Elections for LHA Directors

Elections are held each November for the five (5) directors who comprise LHA’s Board. 

The term is one calendar year (January – December).

Nominations are due by September each year (for elections to be held that November). A candidate must be an LHA member in good standing; homeowners are members, tenants are not. Let our office (office@lakeshorehomes.net or 510-451-7160) know if you wish to be on the ballot. You don’t have to wait until to September to let us know. Candidates are encouraged to participate on a committee before running for the Board so that s/he gets experience at how LHA’s governing and committee processes work.  Nominees fill out a Call for Candidate form here.

Complete election information is found in the Annual Disclosure document distributed to each member annually in November.

At the January meeting, directors collectively decide which role each will fill. A director may fill only, and must fill, one officer role. The five roles are President, Treasurer, two Vice Presidents, and Secretary. Secretary and both Vice Presidents will also each be a standing committee chair; President and Treasurer will each only have their one role. The standing committees chaired by directors are Membership, Neighborhood Preservation, and Parks.

If there are five or fewer candidates, the election is considered uncontested and balloting may not be required since the top five vote-getters are elected. If there are more than five candidates, secret balloting is conducted in October and until the Election Meeting in November (held on the date of the Annual Meeting). Results are announced at both meetings. Members are welcome to come to the Election Meeting and watch the vote counting (led by an outside inspector of elections).