Neighborhood Safety

LHA CARES is Lakeshore Homes Association’s project of establishing an information network between all families in the association. We need your help.

The project, LHA CARES (Community Action and Response), began in 1994 and is currently spearheaded by a group of concerned neighbors who want to make sure we are prepared for an emergency (e.g., earthquake, crime, fire). Getting to know our neighbors helps us dispense information and enhance our sense of community.

The benefits of LHA CARES are:

Crime prevention  Knowing our neighbors, their vehicles, and regular visitors can help us detect unusual situations.

Emergency response  Knowing medical needs, emergency contacts, and gas, electricity shut-off valves can help us to take appropriate action.

Preparedness  LHA plans CORE (Citizens of Oakland Respond to Emergencies) training; Neighborhood Watch meetings; CPR/first aid and Red Cross classes for all interested. Here is Oakland’s CORE suggested supply list:

The neighborhood is divided into 41 clusters, each with 20-30 homes. Each cluster has a Cluster Captain.

The LHA CARES Questionnaire requests information about your household. All participation is voluntary and info is kept confidential. Responses are filed at the LHA office and your Cluster Captain also has a copy. You will receive a booklet with pertinent information for your cluster.

If you choose to be part of LHA CARES, please fill out as much of the LHA CARES form as you are comfortable with and return it to the LHA office. You will be notified of your Cluster and Cluster Captain.
The questionnaire is in PDF format, so you need Acrobat Reader to view and print it. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader you can download it here for FREE.


Security Disclaimer.  We hope that any in-use security program(s) with which LHA may be associated now or in the future provide(s) some deterrence to crime. However, the Association can never be crime-free. The Association has some thirty access points and considerable comings and goings.

As a result, the Association cannot guarantee your security. Do NOT rely on the LHA to protect you from loss or harm. Provide for your own security. Measures suggested by the Oakland Police Department and security specialists include locking doors and windows on homes and vehicles, leaving no valuables in sight, installing a security system, upgrading locks, asking workmen for identification, and being aware of what’s happening around you. Here is the  Home Security checklist for your use.