Three part-time, paid administrators manage the daily operations and finances of the Association and serve as a communication link between Board, the Committees and the membership. Interacting with the City of Oakland and the local utility companies, the administrators work on issues affecting the neighborhood such as tree care, crime, storm damage recovery, and replacing street signs. They also provide staff support for the projects and activities of the Association’s volunteers as well as understanding laws and rules applicable to this HOA.
Usual office hours are Monday – Friday 10:00 – 1:00. As the administrators are often out in the neighborhood doing their work, it may be a good idea to call (510-451-7160) before dropping by the office. During the pandemic, the office is closed. We communicate via email and phone.
We also offer historical information about a member’s property based on the Association records and our archive.
If a member is looking for a referral for home and property maintenance and work, LHA’s office may be able to help. No guarantees!
Lakeshore Homes Association office is at 907 Underhills Road.