News & Events

Ice Cream Social Summer Fun!

Join your LHA neighbors for an Ice Cream Social on Saturday, July 9th, 1 – 3 p.m. Warren Hook Park (corner of Trestle Glen and Brookwood Roads) is the place to be. Hosted by LHA Membership Committee. Questions? Ice Cream Social LHA 7/9/16 Related event Purpose: LHA Ice Cream Social Date: 07/09/16 Time: 1:00pm ... Read More

Neighborhood Safety Meeting, Wed, May 18, 6:00-7:30

Neighborhood Safety Meeting, Wednesday May 18th 6:00-7:30pm Lakeshore Baptist Church, 3534 Lakeshore Avenue in the Family Room Please plan to attend this meeting with our City Council Member Abel Guillen and OPD Captain Hamilton for a general update on public safety and recent crimes in our area. This meeting is being held jointly with the Grand Lake Neighbors Group which includes neighborhoods surrounding LHA. Please contact the LHA office if you... Read More

CORE I (May 10) & CORE II (May 22)

CORE I, Tuesday May 10th, 6:30-9:00pm and CORE II, Sunday May 22nd, 1:30-4:00pm   We are happy to be able to offer these CORE classes right here in our neighborhood. CORE, or Communities of Oakland Respond to Emergencies, is a free training program that teaches self-reliance skills and helps neighborhoods establish response teams to deal with emergency situations like earthquakes, fire or floods. The underlying premise is that a major disaster... Read More

April 16 parks work party updated

We are only working in Oak Grove this week. This is a change from previous post. Oak Grove Pull and bag Ivy Spread wood chips along the trail Clear weeds from areas around new plantings Meet April 16, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Paloma entrance Bring rakes, gloves, clippers. Stay as long as you can. To all who appreciate our parks, let’s clean-up after our pleasantly rainy winter  Read More

Leaf Blower idea gatherings April 5 at 7 pm, April 9 10:30am

Come tell us your best ideas. LHA Directors are facilitating 2 gatherings of homeowners at the LHA office (907 Underhills) to gather input and ideas on leaf blowers. Do we share information about leaf blowers, do nothing, consider time constraints, ask our neighbors to be cognizant of the noise and particulate pollution….  Read More