March 21, 2016 Secondary Units Town Hall meeting
This announcement from Councilmember Abel Guillen’s office:
“Monday, March 21 | Community Meeting on Secondary Units and Possible Designation of MacArthur-Oakland-Santa Clara Area as a Transit Hub
6:30-8:00 pm | Plymouth United Church of Christ, Fireside Room, 424 Monte Vista (on AC Transit 11 line) There is also a parking lot at the church.
Join us for a community discussion with Councilmembers Abel Guillén, Dan Kalb and Lynette Gibson McElhaney on the recently amended regulations for secondary units and the question of designating the intersection of MacArthur and Oakland/Santa Clara as a “transit hub.” According to the new regulations, the off-street parking requirements would be modified for new secondary units within one-half mile (walkable distance) of transit hubs. Questions? Please contact Maria Henderson,”