Emergency Preparedness & Response / Safety & Security

This page has information about personal, home, and neighborhood preparedness for an emergency as well as tips for one’s personal and home security and safety.

SIREN ALERT & WARNINGS Sign up for AC Alert and learn about Okaland’s SIREN ALERT warning system.


CORE = Community of Oakland Respond to Emergency Program, managed by Oakland Fire Department. Oakland CORE has 3 programs: home, neighborhood, and city. Below is the CORE information for CORE I: Home and Family Preparedness and CORE II: Neighborhood Preparedness and Response Teams. (CORE III is hands-on training.)CORE logo

From OFD’s CORE home page: “Do you know what to do in the event of an earthquake, fire, flood, chemical accident or other emergency situation? Are you and your neighbors prepared to be on your own for seven to 10 days after a major disaster?

CORE [wa]s a free training program for individuals, neighborhood groups and community-based organizations in Oakland. The underlying premise is that a major disaster will overwhelm first responders leaving many citizens on their own for the first seven to 10 days after the emergency.

CORE teaches self-reliance skills and helps neighborhoods establish response teams to take care of the neighborhood until professional emergency personnel arrive.”

LHA CARES (now called Neighbor Network) is supported CORE by facilitating classes for our members. If Oakland City or Fire Dept begin offering CORE classes again, you may invite neighbors to a CORE I or II class to be held at LHA’s office or a local private home. LHA will help you set up the meeting. Email or call the office or your cluster captain for details.

CORE Emergency supply list

CORE1 part 1

CORE1 part 2

CORE1 part 3

CORE II part 1

CORE II part 2

Pet Preparedness

Home and Personal Safety Tips

Is your home well-prepared? Home Security checklist

Robbery safety tips

Window anti-shatter solution