News & Events

Nominations for LHA 2019 Directors due 9/15/2018

Summer comes next week! Soon it will be time to announce the candidates for the LHA 2019 directors. Nominations are due to our office on or before September 15 this year (and each year). You may self-nominate or nominate a worthy member by visiting our office (907 Underhills) or emailing the Administrator, Lisa, at For more information, please read this and refer to your Annual Disclosure packet sent to you last November.  Read More

Welcome New Homeowners to LHA!

We welcome our new neighbors to Lakeshore Homes Association. These families became LHA members in 2017. Thank you for choosing to join our fine community! Edward Arens & Jacqueline Canlas-LaFlam Paul & Amanda Cardosi Connor & Meaghan Casey Roy & Cynthia Hill-Ford Kenneth & Liz Hammond Ashley & Keahn Morris Katherine Catlos & Lesley Weaver Alexandre & Izabella Appadoo Andres Turner Nathan & Nora Rosenthal Stacey... Read More

Welcome Dianne Manning, our new Finance Manager!

LHA resident, Dianne Manning, has joined our office staff as the new Finance Manager. She joins Lisa Ray, Administrator, as LHA’s part-time business management team. Dianne is training with the departing Finance Manager for a few weeks. She has many varied talents to share with us. Please welcome Dianne!  Read More

Advance notice – LHA annual invoice out this week

This week, we are emailing the annual LHA assessment invoice. Today’s message is a heads up so that you can look for the upcoming invoice email. We have been asked by members to let them know ahead that it is coming. Those receiving invoices by postal mail will receive them the week of January 8, 2018. Please let us know at if you do not receive your emailed invoice by January 8th (or mailed by January 13th). Include... Read More

100th Anniversary Proclamation

At our Annual Meeting November 9th, District 2 City Councilmember Abel Guillén presented the Association with a City Council Proclamation from the City of Oakland recognizing our 100th Anniversary. He read it aloud to the audience who smiled upon hearing of the Olmsteds as neighborhood plan designers and all the renowned architects who created our lovely homes decades ago, and they giggled at the sewing shears and marshmallows. Thank you, Councilmember... Read More